Sunday, March 28, 2021

New Schedule

There are two more weeks left, and we are behind schedule

Colin and I still have the filming of the voiceovers, finishing more interviews, and constructing the analysis part of the documentary. We also need to work on the magazine and social media page, that would take less time. Here is the intended schedule up till the due date. 

March 29th: Gather current footage and edit/ arrange based on outline

March 30th- April 2nd: Film last interviews and voiceovers for first part. Edit to a rough cut point. Also, individually work on the social media and magazine respectively, and finish by the end of the week. 

April 3rd- 4th: Evaluate footage and come up with proper analysis sequences

April 5th: Film all of analysis sequences

April 6th-April 12: Edit the project & work on CCR essay individually

April 12th 11:59: PROJECT DUE

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