Monday, February 17, 2020

Film Openings and Reflection

Image result for three billboards outside ebbing missouri openingThree Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
The opening consists of the main character, Mildred, driving in her car. She sees three billboards, observes all of them, and continues to drive off. The main element of the opening is the sound, which consists of a high operatic sound. The sound in the background sets the scene for the conflict that would happen afterwards. The operatic sound establishes a sense of fantasy, paired with the main characters inquisitiveness of the billboards. The opening provides a sense 

Image result for 12 angry men12 Angry Men
The plot of the movie involves a jury of 12 men deciding if the 18 year old defendant is guilty of a crime or not. The scene transitions from the courtroom to the deliberation room, where the majority of the movie continues to progress. The opening consists of certain set elements that contribute to the plot and tone of the piece. One of the main ones is the setup of the courtroom, which has the sharp lines and wooden exterior separating all parts of the room. This provides context to the story, and contributes to the feelings of anxiety and seriousness, as the jurors have an important job on their hands.

Image result for jawsJaws
The opening of Jaws involves two people running to the ocean to go for a swim late and night. The girl jumps into the water as the guy is catching up with her. She swims, and suddenly finds herself bit by the shark, and eventually is pulled into the water. This opening scene uses silence as a way to contrast the shark attack from the normal things going on above water. Moreover, it contributes to the feeling of fear, as a potential shark attack can happen at any given moment. The element of surprise of these shark attacks brings anticipation and continued fear in the viewer, as the plot of the story is going to evolve and devolve through the main conflict, the shark. From these film openings, I learned how important sound is to a production. Having the right sound, whether diagetic or non- diagetic, could be the difference from a great drama or a misunderstood story. Moreover, I realized how important set design is, and how it can evoke a certain tone or feeling, just as much as sounds or the acting occuring. Sources Salazar, David. “Opera Meets Film: RenĂ©e Fleming's Appearance in 'Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri' More Than Meets the Eye.” Opera Wire Opera Meets Film Rene Flemings Appearance in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri More Than Meets the Eye Comments, OperaWire, 17 Feb. 2020,  ScreenPrism. “ScreenPrism.” How Does "12 Angry Men" Use Cinematography to Build Tension during the Film, ScreenPrism, LLC, 20 Oct. 2015,  Drama.” The Script Lab, A Red Ampersand Company, 15 Mar. 2011,  Dirks, Tim. “Drama Films.” Drama Films, AMC Network Entertainment, LLC, 17. Feb. 2020,

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